Saturday, August 21, 2010

My dream bag

So, I know it's not the fanciest (maybe I should say, the most expensive) PPB diaper bag, but it seems absolutely perfect to me:) I saw it at the GAP the other day and fell in love instantly. It is the ONLY diaper bag that I have found in person that I have fallen in love with:) And that's after being on the search for them for the past 4 months. So. What do you think? I consider myself lucky, finding a PPB that I love for only $89 instead of the boxy bags for $200+/- a few. Are PPBs really worth the money? From what I am gathering, they are. Any advice?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beer Bath, anyone?

Cause that's what happened to me today! At work, mind you. One of my servers pulled me aside, they were having difficultly pouring a brand new keg of hefeweizen. So I went to check it out. Sure enough, the line wasn't tapped quite right. As I was readjusting, the line decided to drop, and give me a nice beer bath. Maybe we should say shower? I was drenched in Hefe, my eyes burning with alcohol, foam and mascara running down my face, my big belly covered, and my hair dripping wet. Needless to say, it was funny. I'm just glad that one of my employees was with me to laugh with me and to help me out of the keg cooler, seeing that I couldn't see too much with so much beer in my eyes. At least I got to leave work early! Semi cleaned up...

P.S. My hair is crunchy from the dried beer. I guess it's time to go take a shower.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sweet Cravings

I have had a craving for some good, old fashioned, home baked cookies lately. I've bought cookies from the grocery store and local bakeries, but they just don't satisfy this craving. As a pregnant lady working 50 hours a week, I don't always want to come home and bake. Somehow, I found the energy today and ended up with these delicious Choc-Oat-Chip cookies, thanks to the recipe found on the back of the Nestle Toll House chocolate chip bag sitting in our cupboards. They are amazing and hit the spot. I didn't even have to alter the recipe to accommodate high altitude baking! Hallelujah! You should try them out, they'll make your day.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Background

Since my power is back on, I decided to finally change my blog background. However, in doing so, I lost alot of blog addresses that I would follow! So. If you don't see your blog listed to the left, and you want some lame pregnant lady reading it, leave a comment with your blog address so I can follow you. Have a great night!

Hot and Bored

I can't believe it is only Wednesday! Already this week, our stupid ghetto swamp cooler melted its fuse, so we went without air for two days in the 90 degree and a half months pregnant.

My stomach decided to disagree with me, so I had to make a last minute doctors appointment to make sure everything was going alright. I went in on Tuesday, have to go back again on Friday.

AND with the thunderstorms that are rolling through Utah right now, our power went out. I came home from work early today, excited to relax and maybe get some stuff done. Nonetheless, I couldn't stand the hot humidity inside our house, with no fans and nothing to keep me entertained. So, I sat on our front porch, watching the storm while cooling down. At least that was relaxing! Not the same as the nap I was hoping for, but it'll do. Maybe I'll be able to sleep through the night without getting up to release this baby bladder! If only....

On the bright side, I will be 30 weeks on Friday! Also, a friend of mine had her baby today! Yay! On top of that. I have an awesome staff. Two girls at work brought me some baby boy clothes. I got 12 new outfits in two days:) One girl had a boy in May, but he already outgrew his 0-3 months clothing and half of them weren't even worn! The other girl is having her first baby, due Aug 13th. She is having a lovely girl, but got boy clothes from her baby shower. I am so lucky and blessed that they thought of me! Baby Boy is getting stocked up on his newborn outfits already!

The week may have started off a little rocky, but it should end well. I have tomorrow off, then a doctors appointment on friday(I like going to the Dr...) and our two year anniversary is on Sunday! Crazy how time flies. All I can say is that I am more in love with Scott now then I was two years ago. He's the best:)